Friday, March 17, 2006

tell me more . . .

So, along with a publication date, I now also have revisions for KISS OF DARKNESS. Fortunately, they are revisions of the "I want to know more" variety, which I have to say, is a relief. I tend to write lean first drafts, and part of the fun of writing (for me, anyway) is layering in more complexity and depth once the entire story is down on paper. Anyway, feeling good about my (brilliant) editor's suggestions, and I am eager to see the marked-up manuscript, which should be arriving any day now.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

dreams made flesh . . .

Or, if you will . . . dreams made paper, ink, and glue.

I've just gotten word that KISS OF DARKNESS, the first title in my Midnight Breed vampire series has been put on the Bantam/Dell publication schedule! It's slated for release February 2007, and the plan is to publish the next two novels in Summer and Fall of 2007. Exciting!

Of course, there remains the tiny detail of writing the next two books . . . .

Progress reports to follow in future posts. Meanwhile, welcome to my blog!

Kiss of Midnight

About me

  • Hey. Lara here, currently spending time on the dark side, writing a sexy vampire series for Bantam/Dell. Stay tuned for news on KISS OF MIDNIGHT, KISS OF CRIMSON, and the rest of the Midnight Breed!
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