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kiss of something . . .

Le sigh.

Looks like a title change looms on the horizon for KISS OF DARKNESS. It turns out that some little upstart writer by the name of (NYT Bestseller) Heather Graham just came out with a vampire book called KISS OF DARKNESS. Argh!! To be honest, I noticed this little snafu a while ago browsing Amazon, and after much cursing and forehead smacking, I just prayed like the dickens that it wasn't going to impact my book.

Well, it has. So, the new title sitting at 99% approval at Bantam Dell right now is KISS OF MIDNIGHT. What do you think? My series is called The Midnight Breed, so it kind of ties into that. Personally, I like KISS OF MIDNIGHT (it was my suggestion, after all) but it's just not . . . DARKNESS.

Look for a revised cover coming soon. Meanwhile, congrats to Heather Graham for snagging the fabu title, and for the recent NYT placement of her new book. Damn it.

Me? I'm off to console myself with 85% dark Lindt chocolate and a Red Bull, since my ankle is still chained to my desk on deadline. Unlike SOME PEOPLE who've wrapped up their first draft early and are happy to gloat about it.

Hey. I like Kiss of Midnight. It's dark and sexy, like the book. Which I've read already (neener neener everyone *g*).

And my book is done because first draft is total crap. :p

Red Bull and chocolate? You are a brave brave woman. So is the book done yet? huh? huh? huh?

*cracks whip*

I like Kiss of Midnight and truthfully, wouldn't you rather have a title that's not the same as someone else's releasing in such a short period of time? It makes it easier for readers Googling your book to find YOU and not someone else.

Now you have a title that's well...yours. And it's a very cool title.

Ouch, Jaci! No, actually, flog away. I'm still making good progress, and jealous of you for finishing early. Grr.

And FWIW, aren't all first drafts crap? Just the nature of the beast, I think. At least that's what I prefer to tell myself.

You still suck for being done, though. :-P

Hi, Angie!

Thanks for visiting me! :)

I'm glad to hear you like the new title. It's growing on me, and I totally agree that it's better to have something unique (or as unique as you can get among millions of books in print) than to confuse things with a duplicate title. Especially following a big name like Heather Graham. Oy.

I like your profile picture, btw. Very sweet pose, and your little girl is so cute!

Hey again, May! :)

Interesting about HG titles, but I don't think I got poached. Just one of those things.

Now if someone comes out with Kiss of Crimson between now and June 2007, you will see one crazy-headed writer in this blogspace. Because that title? It's woven into my plot and everything . . . which just by saying that out loud, probably as good as guarantees I'll have to change it, LOL!

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Kiss of Midnight

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  • Hey. Lara here, currently spending time on the dark side, writing a sexy vampire series for Bantam/Dell. Stay tuned for news on KISS OF MIDNIGHT, KISS OF CRIMSON, and the rest of the Midnight Breed!
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